Se former à l'anti‑corruption et la transparence des marchés publics

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The UNDP announces its online course on Transparent and Open Public Procurement for Sustainable Development, coinciding with the International Anti‑Corruption Day on 9 December 2022


The online course is jointly developed by BPPS/Global Anti‑Corruption Team and RBAP/ FairBiz Project, Bangkok Regional Hub.


The 4‑module online course aims to foster basic knowledge of the functions and procedures of public procurement systems. It provides an overview of:

  1. Fundamentals of Transparent Public Procurement for Achieving the SDGs
  2. Processes and Components of Public Procurement Systems
  3. Corruption Risk Mitigation in Public Procurement and
  4. Public Procurement for Inclusive and Sustainable Growth.


It is a unique opportunity for government officials, practitioners, the private sector,civil society organizations, and people from all walks of life to learn how to apply relevant tools to ensure transparent and efficient public procurement through their respective roles.

The course also features best practices and case studies from countries across different regions and states in their efforts to tackle corruption in the public procurement sector.

We invite you to register here and share widely within your networks.

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